Meet the archer

Hi, I’m Ashley!

I’m a Wife, Homemaker, Writer, Amateur Gardener, Aspiring Homesteader, Homeschooling Mom, and a Mama to five precious arrows.

I love fresh flowers, coffee dates, antique dishes, fiction stories, and any excuse to spend an afternoon outdoors. 

I’m an advocate for natural living, all things home, and Biblical Motherhood. I believe God gifted Mamas the most beautiful role on earth and I am passionate about raising children who love Jesus with all their hearts for all their lives. 

If you stopped by for quick remedies to toddler tantrums or age old wisdom recaptured for a modern generation– then I hope you brought some with you because I don’t know how much of that I can offer. On the other hand, if you’re looking for encouragement, nourishing recipes, inspiration, anecdotes, and someone to swap war stories with– well then, pull up a chair, pour a cup of coffee, and share an afternoon with us! 

Meet Our Crew!

This is my husband, Rafael

When he isn’t telling bad dad jokes or quizzing us on Bible Trivia, he is working one of his many jobs. Whether he is laying floors, painting, working on a factory line, entertaining his massive Instagram audience, or making YouTube videos on Small Town Bible Questions, he is always giving 100%! 

He is the better half of me.

He is patient, calm, thoughtful- and the only thing bigger than his smile is his heart!

We didn’t plan on raising a houseful of children or a yard full of chickens, but we wouldn’t have it any other way!

This is Isaiah “Zae” 

His existence is the start of so many stories to be shared at a later time!

He flipped my entire world upside down, but as it turns out- I like it much better that way! Isaiah is the ideal first born.

He is helpful, kind, compassionate, considerate, and empathetic. 

He loves Legos, Science, building rickety forts high up in trees, and playing with his siblings!

Oh, and he asks me more questions than Google gets in a single day! The only bad questions are the ones not asked, and believe me he has no bad questions!

Next, Is Iris “Ira”

As her name implies she is a wildflower.

She is loud, sassy, and full of personality.

She is the definition of a little Mama and makes sure to keep all of our little ducks in a row.

Her love of books, chickens, and writing occupies her days. 

Iris is a natural born prayer warrior. She runs to God for everything and her faith can and will move mountains!

I still have so much to learn from her! 

Ivy Josephine “Jo-Jo”

Ivy Jo is one of a kind!

My brother-in-law captured her best when he nicknamed her Braveheart.

She is wild and free. Her hair is always a crazy mess no matter how hard I fight to tame it. She is always dirty, colored on, and sporting some sort of caked on dirt. She changes outfits a million times a day and then makes a grand entrance with a “Look at how beautiful I am!” 

As her name implies, she showed up, and took over! There is never a dull. moment when this sweet girl is around! 

Indie Jude, “Bear”

This little guy is a stinker!

He is always- I repeat always– up to something. I suppose that’s why God made him so stinking cute!

He is wide open, full of laughs and sly little grins, and if you lose sight of him for a moment- well, did I mention he is always up to something?

This precious boy loves his Pops (my dad) and cows more than anything else in the world! And he may have his Mama completely smitten with his great big eyes and big bear hugs! 

Last But Not Least, Isaac Rafael “Sunshine Boy”

This little guy is absolute Sunshine in human form!

When he smiles the whole world lights up! As his name implies, he is full of laughter and precious baby giggles! 

He is our biggest baby yet and loves nursing, being snuggled, and playing with his wooden gym.

For now, we are soaking up baby days!

The Heart Behind Aiming Arrows

Motherhood is not something you can ever be quite prepared for.

No one really teaches you the art of homemaking (anymore, that is) or the way to battle the fear that comes with realizing your entire existence is now intertwined with this new incredible little life.

There is no manual and we seem to live in a culture that undervalues and misconstrues Biblical motherhood and womanhood.

And yet, we are here- living in the thick of it all..

In a post pandemic, overly political, and hyper exposed world, and sometimes it feels like a battlefield.

Perhaps, that’s because it is.

We are women of war- curating homes, folding laundry, and planning birthday parties on the frontlines. Our Heavenly Father already won the victory, but He allows us– His daughters— to take up our armor, draw back our bowstring, and aim the arrows He so kindly filled our quiver with! 

How Do We Aim?

Whether you have one or twenty arrows, we have a calling and a purpose to carry out.

Deuteronomy 6:7 instructs us “to teach them (the commandments, Word of God) diligently to your children, and [you] shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.”

Living a faith filled life and sharing our walk with God openly with our children and with others is how we begin to lift our bow and point our arrows in the right direction.

Only God can ensure that each of our children hit the intended target, but we still need to strive to be sharp shooters– keeping our eye on the mark at all times. 

Are you feeling confident yet?

Yeah, me neither.

But we were made for such a time as this, do not fear, Our God is with us!

Aiming Arrows, five babies laying in a row

The Beauty of This Battlefield

Whether we want to be on this battlefield or not, we are here.

Sometimes it looks like fending off bad dreams or answering those really hard philosophical questions to a very inquisitive two year old, but other times it’s being the only parent saying “No.” when all the their friends are participating.

Sometimes it’s the eleventh lap around the kitchen table rocking your teething toddler back to sleep.

Sometimes it’s late night diaper changes and feedings that you showed up for with tears dripping down your cheeks, or maybe it’s actually laying hands on your babies in prayer as they sleep begging God to help you be more patient with their attitude tomorrow.

It’s all aiming– and it is hard, terrifying, thrilling, majestic, overwhelming, and beautiful all at once.

So change another dirty diaper, wash another bottle, scrub the toilets, and lay dinner on the table- but kick off your shoes first, sweet Mama, because Motherhood is Holy Ground and in it even the battlefield can be beautiful! 

Follow along with us as we embrace All Things Home, Natural Living, and Biblical Motherhood!

We’re so glad you’re here!

Happy Aiming!


Hey sweet friend, we have a special gift for you! Grab our free 21 Day Bible Study ebook on the Proverbs 31 woman here! Let’s Aim Together!

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I’m so glad you’re here! Follow along with our family as we embrace these seemingly mundane days of motherhood pursuing: natural living, all things home, and Biblical Motherhood!